Saturday, August 20, 2005

I thought today would be my big day to soar. I have had several small flights and a few sled rides off the south hill. It was looking like a perfect South morning. I tried a few inflations to get the feel and then started kiting. I laid the glider down and went for another inflation but didn't control my glider quick enough. I knew I had tweaked something the minute I tumbled and rolled. Despite the throb in my neck and shoulder I decided to try launching. 1,2,3, off I went. I made a few passes and realized the throb in my shoulder was a distraction. Not a good idea to be in the air when you are not focused on flying. I was also pretty close to the side of the hill and very low. I made a hard flair on the fast beat and managed to land safely.
SO here I am back in our hotel room. Motrin, heat wraps, a double latte and lots of water. I'm gonna take it easy today and hopefully give it another try tomorrow.
In the meantime here's a pic of our trip to Snowbird yesterday. It was a fun adventure. We took a tram, lots of goofy pics of us, and saw a mother moose and her mooselet. Check out J.C.s blog for some great pics I took of mama moose.
Hopefully tomorrow I will have some flying pics to share and some air time.

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