Monday, August 15, 2005

Learning to Fly

When I met J.C. 4 years ago I casually mentioned that I would love to try paragliding. It was a few months later that he surprised me with a trip to Aspen and my first tandem flight. I suppose it was one of those things I said without really thinking the whole thing through. The next thing I knew I was standing on top of a mountain hooked into a tandem harness. I was so terrified. You see I was afraid of heights as well as flying in airplanes. I just couldn't believe I was going to run off this incredible mountain and into the air. Before I knew it my pilot says "ok kat run" Oh my gosh my heart was pumping, I ran ran ran and then all of a sudden it was magic. So gentle and graceful. My feet left the ground and I was airborne high above it all. I danced in the air on a emotional high. I was speechless. Ever since that day I has been my desire to fly.

I leave for Utah in a few days, soaring Point of the Mountain with J.C. I love flying with him. He encourages me every step of the way. He has given the me the gift of a lifetime. This picture is from that very first flight in Aspen. Awesome view huh?
For any of you interested in learning to fly, take a trip up to Aspen and check out a tandem. Better yet if you really want to learn how to fly visit Chris Santacroce at Superfly in Utah. He is the man. He is an absolutely amazing pilot and instructor.

As I was saying, I leave for Utah in a few days and well I can barely wait till J.C. chases me through the sky as we soar together into the sunset. Learing to fly has been an amazing adventure ...

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