Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Swinging Bed

A few years back J.C and I took a trip to Mexico. We stayed in a small village called Yelapa and rented a Palapa at Casa Santana. It was one of the most amazing little places. What we loved the most was the hanging bed. At night J.C. and I would climb into our hanging bed and let it rock us to sleep to the sounds of the tide and ocean breezes. When we returned from Mexico we decided to make our own swinging bed outdoors. We purchased all of the wood, rope, and mosquito netting to finish the project. It became our favorite place to sleep. In the cold of winter we would use a heating blanket to warm the sheets up before we climbed in. And in the Summer we would pull the netting around to protect us from mosquito bites and buzzes.
This past year J.C. broke his leg. Getting in and out of our favorite sleeping bed was difficult so we started using our bed in the house. I realized since J.C. left on his flying adventure how much I miss our special bed. The sound of the crickets, the cool night air, and the amazing view of the night sky. Most of all I love how the moonlight adds a shimmery glow to our bodies. I cant wait till J.C. gets home from Utah so we can bask in the moonlight under the stars and let the swing of our bed lull us to sleep in each others arms.

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