Sunday, October 09, 2005

Dixon White's Memorial was this past weekend at Merriam flight park. When I decided I wanted to learn to fly J.C. said that he wanted me to learn from one of the best. He took me to the Craters and Dixon.
So like I was saying Dixons Memorial was this weekend. About 30 or 40 pilots joined in celebrating the man and his love of paragliding. Friday morning we all showed up at the Two Bar Three for a quick briefing and then headed to Sheba. I was one of the first off the crater that morning and had forgotten how much texture Arizona air has. My flight felt awkward and I felt gangly hanging in the sky. I was at the edge of my harness for much of my flight.
The next day the weather was predicted to be worse and that intimidated me quite a bit. I arrive at the hill an hour earlier. This time I paid close attention to the birds and the clouds. I felt the wind on my face. A big black raven cawed and I smiled and thought of Dixon. Dixon always had a joke to share. I stayed calm and determined to fly right.
Tanner Patty one of the local genius's helped me at takeoff. The minute my feet left the gound everything felt perfect. I found the PERFECT bubble and hung out. I looked out to see a pilot headed my way we both screamed a big giant giggle of joy at each other. Soon he was gone and I had the bubble to myself . WOW this is amazing Im making circles and figure eights I feel my wing hit a bump and then up up up. Im above Sheba. Everyone wants to be where Im at.
I was given a special gift and then the bubble is gone and I start to come down. Slowly, slowly and then Im on the ground with a smile so big it hurts.
Today I flew better then I have flown ever. Today was different because I paid attention to everything around me. The birds, the clouds, the wind, the magic. Dixon's spirit is alive and well at the craters. He was with me today.

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