Monday, August 22, 2005


What a great morning flying south side. I watched J.C. take off early. As usual he had the hill all to himself for awhile. After about an hour I grabbed my gear and headed for take-off. J.C. Made a top landing and helped me launch. I had a nice little flight and landing. J.C. Then came down and picked me up so I could get back in the air. With his help I was flying again. It seemed a little crowded for a Monday and I took a small collapse from traffic. All in all it felt good to be in the air. After I landed I got out my camera and made friends with the pilot dogs. It looks like Dogs love Point of the Mountain just as much as us humans do.

Tonight's my last night in Salt Lake. Hopefully I can get some more great pics tonight and more sweet air in the morning. Smiles...

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